Turborix 3A External Switchable MU-061 U-BEC

  • $11.24

Brand New Turborix 3A External Switchable MU-061 U-BEC which is designed and produced by dual switching technology and double sides SMT. Among its features are low power consumption, high efficiency, and a wide range of input voltage. This BEC is a switch-mode DC regulator separated from ESC (ESC-Electronics Speed Controller for brushless motor), it will take high voltage (5.5v-42v) power from your battery pack and convert it to a consistent safe voltage for your receiver, gyro and servos.

If you are using a speed controller with a built-in BEC, it will very likely have only a limited ability to supply power to your receiver and servos without overheating. If you have a relatively high voltage battery pack or have heavy servo loads, you should consult the ESC specifications to determine what the stated recommendations or limitations are. In general, if you are using a 4s Lithium pack, or more than a 12-cells NiCd battery, you should consider using this UBEC. In such a case, the built-in BEC of ESC only supports 2 servos, so it is not suitable for RC helicopters and big aircraft.

  • This UBEC is an advanced switching regulator, provides over-current and over-heat protection function, and the witching frequency is 300KHz. The max efficiency of this chip is 92%.??
  • The smallest size and the lightest weight.



Input Voltage : 5.5V to 42V

Dual Output Voltage : 5V / 6V

Output Current : 3A

Regulator : dual switching technology

Indicator of Working Status : Red LED

Wire Length : BEC 180mm, Power 300mm

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